Counseling Office

Please call the Counseling Office directly for a Transcript Request at (315) 483-5213.


Counseling Office

Colleen Sheahen, Counseling Director / School Counselor 7-12

Meredith Thiell, School Counselor 7-12

Michelle Bucenec, School Psychologist 4-6

Julie DeRoo, School Psychologist 9-12

Laura Hayton-Oechsle, School Social Worker 7-12

Graduation & Regents Diploma Requirements

New York State Course and Credit Requirements for Graduation:

A minimum of 22 units of credit are required for graduation.






Social Studies




Science (Living Environment and one other Regents Science are required)


Physical Education (0.5 credits each year in high school)




World Language


Fine Art (Studio Art, Choir, Band, DDP, or Theatre Arts



Additional Sodus Graduation Requirements:

  • 0.5 credit of Career & Money Management

  • Participation in a club (half-year) or a sport (full season)

  • 20 hours of community service

  • A 20-hour internship (embedded into Career & Money Management)

  • Senior Project/Research Methods

Required Examinations for Graduation:

  • Algebra 1 Regents Exam

  • English Regents Exam

  • One Science Regents Exam

  • One Social Studies Regents Exam

  • One additional Regents Exam in either Math, Science, Social Studies, or approved Pathway to Graduation (Please see your counselor for more information)

Please note: a score of 65 or higher is required on each of the Regents Exams listed above. It is the District's intent that students will retake Regents Exams until a mastery level score is attained (85 or higher).

Advanced Regents Diploma

To earn an Advanced Designation Regents Diploma, students must complete all coursework and exams required for a Regents Diploma, plus:

  • 3 units of credit in a World Language + score of 65 or higher on the Spanish 3 Final Exam (OR successful completion of a 5 Credit Major Sequence, outlines in the table below)

  • 65 or higher on the Geometry & Algebra 2 Regents Exams

  • 65 or higher on one additional Regents Science Exam (at least one exam in life science and one in physical science)

Exemptions or Special Appeals granted during the school years 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023 can be counted toward requirements for this diploma. See NYSED for details of exemptions.

Sequences for a Five Credit Major


Successful completion of Studio Art and four credits in Art electives


Successful completion of Music Theory and four credits in music electives


Successful completion of Design & Drawing for Production (DDP) and four credits in technology electives


Successful completion of a two-year WTCC/BOCES Vocational Program


Successful completion of five credits in Business electives

Regents Diploma with Honors

A student can earn recognition for a Regents or Advanced Regents Diploma "with Honors" if their combined scored on all Regents Exams needed for that diploma average to be 90 or higher. If there were no Regents given in that year, the course grade will be used in the Honors calculation.

Mastery in Math and/or Science

A student who earns an Advanced Regents Diploma and obtains three Regents Exam scores of 85 or higher in math will earn an Advanced Regents Diploma with Mastery in Math. Likewise, students who earn an Advanced Regents Diploma, who score 85 or higher on three Science Regents Exams will earn an Advanced Regents Diploma with Mastery in Science. If Regents were not given, then the course grade will be used in the Mastery calculation.

NYS Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement (CDOS) Credential

This credential is available for students who wish to supplement their diploma or are unable to earn a high school diploma. Students must complete career course work and work based learning experiences to meet the requirements for this credential.