Student Services Office
Student Services Contacts
Student Services Office |
6375 Robinson Rd |
PO Box 220 |
Sodus, NY 14551 |
Fax: (315) 483-5248 |
Spanish Hotline: (315) 483-5249 |
Joseph Keeney |
Director of Student Services |
Civil Rights Compliance Officer |
CPSE/CSE Chairperson |
DASA Coordinator |
Interim 504 Chairperson (Gr. 4-8) |
McKinney-Vento Liaison |
Title IX Compliance Officer |
Kelley Darling |
District Registrar |
Homeschool Coordinator |
Secretary (CSE 4-12 & Out of District K-12) |
(315) 483-5208 |
Gloria Hopkins |
Secretary (504, CPSE, & CSE K-3) |
(315) 483-5278 |
The Student Services Office is dedicated and committed to meeting the diverse needs of our students including their academic, social, emotional and physical needs. Sodus strives to provide appropriate educational programs and services. In order to meet each student's individual needs and ensure success in their educational program.
Please click on one of the links below for more information.