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Jacki Mader
School Principal
Elementary School
Michael Magin
Athletic Director & Physical Education Teacher
Jr. / Sr. High School
Molly Magro
Mathematics Teacher
Jr. / Sr. High School
Samantha Makitra
5th Grade Teacher
Intermediate School
Katelyn Martinez
Teaching Assistant
Intermediate School
Jeff Martinez
Board of Education
Robin Masser
Computer Teaching Assistant
Information Technology Department
Paula Matter
Assistant Principal
Jr. / Sr. High School
Nicole McCarthy
Teaching Assistant
Jr. / Sr. High School
Kathy McCarthy
Math Intervention Teacher
Elementary School
Brenda Mendez
Spanish LTS
Jr. / Sr. High School
Lisa Miller
Music Teacher
Jr. / Sr. High School
Charlotte Miller
Reading Teacher
Jr. / Sr. High School
Brooke Minkau
Teaching Assistant
Elementary School
Jean Minkau
Teacher Aide
Elementary School
John Mirras
Social Studies Teacher
Jr. / Sr. High School
Aracely Molina Mendez
Teacher Aide
Elementary School
Regina Moline
Secretary to the Superintendent
District Office
Renee Molnar
6th Grade Teacher
Intermediate School
Corene Moltrup
Teaching Assistant
Elementary School